Otvorenje TFF XIX / TFF XIX Opening @Uska ulica, Varaždin 17:00

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Ove godine u Uskoj ulici na otvorenju 19. Trash Film Festivala na varaždinskoj stazi slavnih, postavit ćemo ploču slikaru i umjetniku, našem Goranu Merkašu. Nadamo se da ćemo time dati mali doprinos valorizaciji njegovog osebujnog stvaralaštva. Otkrivanje ploče i otvorenje Festivala održat će se u srijedu 11.9.2024. godine s početkom u 17:30 sati. Veselimo se vašem dolasku!
(foto: Zoran Gracer)

Goran Merkaš

This year in Uska Street at the opening of the 19th Trash Film Festival on the Varaždin Walk of Fame, we will place a memorial plaque to the painter and artist, our Goran Merkaš. We hope that we will make a small contribution to the valorization of his distinctive creativity. The unveiling of the plaque and the opening of the Festival will take place on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. starting at 17:30. We’re looking forward to your arrival!
(photo: Zoran Gracer)

Trash Walk of Fame